I interviewed a guy yesterday on my Common Denominator podcast. For many years, he had a business selling perfume in flea markets. Nothing complicated, just a very simple concept. Well, he built it up, scaled it, and sold that company for millions of dollars.

When it comes to business, so many people want to jump into the next big thing, whether it be artificial intelligence or another of the latest trends. My advice: don’t do that. Build your business around something simple, always listen to what the customer wants, and sustain it over a long period of time.

Here are some crucial factors to consider when coming up with the idea for your new business:

Generating a compelling idea for a new business requires a combination of creativity, market awareness, and a deep understanding of your own passions and skills. Here’s a guide on how to spark that innovative idea that could be the foundation of your entrepreneurial journey.

Identify Your Passion and Skills: Start by reflecting on your own interests and skills. What are you passionate about? What activities make you lose track of time? By aligning your business idea with your passions, you’re more likely to stay motivated and engaged.

Address a Problem or Pain Point: Successful businesses often arise from addressing a problem or pain point in the market. Think about common challenges people face in their daily lives or industries that could be more efficient. A business that solves a real problem has a built-in demand.

Market Research: Thorough market research is essential. Investigate current trends, customer needs, and competitors in the market. Look for gaps or areas where improvements can be made. Online surveys, interviews, and studying industry reports can provide valuable insights.

Explore Your Hobbies and Interests: Sometimes, your hobbies or personal interests can be the source of a great business idea. Consider how your hobbies can be turned into a service or product. For example, if you love fitness, a business related to wellness or personal training might be a natural fit.

Think About Trends and Emerging Technologies: Stay informed about current trends and emerging technologies. Industries are constantly evolving, and there may be opportunities in areas like artificial intelligence, sustainable living, or digital health. Being at the forefront of innovation can set your business apart.

Social and Environmental Impact: Modern consumers often gravitate towards businesses that have a positive social or environmental impact. Consider how your business can contribute to a cause or address sustainability concerns. This not only attracts socially conscious consumers but can also be personally fulfilling.

Networking and Collaboration: Engage with people from different industries and backgrounds. Attend networking events, join entrepreneurial communities, and participate in forums. Discussions and collaborations with others may spark ideas or help you refine existing ones.

Evaluate Your Skill Set: Assess your own skills and expertise. What are you exceptionally good at? A business that leverages your unique skills and experiences is more likely to succeed. If you have a background in technology, for instance, a tech-oriented startup might be a natural fit.

Consider Franchising or Improving an Existing Idea: While entirely new ideas are fantastic, successful businesses can also be built by putting a unique spin on existing concepts or by franchising a proven model. Analyze what’s already in the market and think about how you could do it better or differently.

Prototype and Test: Once you have an idea, create a prototype or minimum viable product (MVP) to test its feasibility. Get feedback from potential customers and be open to refining your concept based on their input.

Remember, the process of coming up with a business idea is often iterative. Be open to exploration, stay curious, and don’t be afraid to pivot if needed. Your unique combination of passion, skills, and market insight can lead to a business idea that has the potential to thrive.