Larry Olsen is a performance driven neurology specialist who has spent a lifetime studying the brain and optimizing how to turn it into an ultimate asset. By helping you understand your brain’s role in accelerated performance, Larry can help you unleash your innate ability to achieve personal and professional success, stop limiting beliefs, and achieve what you never thought possible.
On what intrigues him most about the brain:
“What fascinates me most is when we discovered plasticity and we were able to break away from, ‘Gee, I’m sorry that’s not working out for you. You know, you were born that way and you’re just going to have deal with it for the rest of your life.’ … We’ve got such a marvelous tool, all of us, and yet so few people know how to use it so it ends up, after being programmed by society, using people. And my fascination is not only understanding more about its magnificence but assisting others in breaking away from these ingrained habits, attitudes, beliefs, and expectations that are not allowing them to be the best versions of themselves that they can possibly be.”
What is performance driven neurology:
“Performance driven neurology is basically a blending of neuroscience and cognitive psychology, allowing us to better understand why we do what we do, whether it’s good for us or not. And regarding this whole concept of using our whole potential … we all have our full potential, but unfortunately, we have allowed what’s happened to us to begin to define us, instead of defining us first and then bringing that to the circumstances we find ourselves in.”
How we should properly take a compliment:
“All people have to do is ask themselves how well they take a compliment, because when someone says, ‘Wow, great job.’ How many people are like, ‘Oh, it was nothing. I had a whole team that supported me on that one.’ And really what we should be doing is saying, ‘Thank you.’”
Attitude is everything:
“I like to ask people this: what percentage of your performance do you think is dictated by your attitude? Not something you’re born with; a learned behavior. And the answer is 100%. … Attitude doesn’t kind of affect you. It dominates you.
Why we must reduce stress now:
“Heart disease is the biggest killer in America today. It outdoes cancer, two to one. And the number one cause of heart disease is stress. And in America stress is known as the silent killer. So, what we’re doing is we’re imagining job loss, we’re imagining ‘Geez, why did my wife say that?’ We’re imagining, ‘Am I leading my kids in the wrong direction?’ Instead of asking for a time out, and then asking ourselves, ‘Why do I want to do any of this to begin with?’ And, boy, if you can’t come up with some value (in that answer), then stop doing it.”
The importance of being positive and being present:
“The challenge with the brain is that it doesn’t follow direction, it follows words. And you asked earlier, ‘How important is it that we speak kindly to ourselves?’ It’s just as important as when we speak kindly to others. … How important is it that we love ourselves? It’s just as important as when we love our children. … I had a professor in graduate school, and he said, “If you want to hit it over the fence as a parent, you only need to do one thing. It’s not how much time you spend with your kids, it’s not the job that you have, it’s not anything other than, ‘Do you love them unconditionally?”