According to the CDC, approximately 96 million Americans have prediabetes which – if left unchecked – often leads to type 2 diabetes. Kim Rose, a dietitian and diabetes expert, explains the causes and symptoms of the disease, and provides insight on how to prevent it and significantly improve your quality of life starting today.
2:15 – Kim explains the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
4:10 – Is sugar always bad for you? And what about “natural” sugar?
6:30 – Risk factors for type 2 diabetes and how we can make smarter choices.
8:45 – How fiber can help regulate your blood sugar.
12:15 – How a lack of sleep can cause an increase of sugar in the bloodstream.
16:00 – Why it’s so important to get your A1C levels checked early.
21:00 – How Kim thinks we can manage the worldwide obesity crisis.
24:00 – Some of the latest medical advances in treating diabetes.