Michael Bernoff is the President and Founder of the Human Communications Institute – a leading force in the personal and professional development industry. He works directly with individuals as well as corporate executives who desire to transform their corporate culture. In this episode, he shares actionable strategies to overcome limiting beliefs and achieve a life beyond boundaries.

How to establish a positive corporate culture:

“When I think of companies that are looking to develop a culture, you really have to ask yourself: what are you committed to live by; what really matters; what are you looking to attract and share with the world; and what act do you really want to play. And I think a lot of people miss out. Because they go and watch a Joe Rogan show, they go watch something online, they see something on TV, they see Steve Jobs, and they try to model someone else versus looking deep inside and asking, ‘Who am I? What is it that I really stand for? What do I truly believe about the way that I want to live on this earth?’ And then attracting the people who also believe that. And then culture is just simple.”

The power of the words we choose:

“You’ve got to take full responsibility for how your language actually impacts your actions and the things that you do. I’ll give you a great example. People come to me and say, ‘I can’t stop eating this thing. I love it.’ Well, think about the word you just used. You just said, ‘I love (for example) Netflix. I love watching shows. I love Twinkies. I love some food.’ The second you said you loved it; you used the most powerful word in the English language. …  When we use those words, it’s hard to shift.”

Fear can be overcome with experience:

“Fear really just means that you’re about to do something you don’t have a pattern for yet. When you look at it that way, and you say something like, ‘Oh my gosh, I hope this works.’ The reason that you’re saying that is because you have no file for it.

How to stay competitive even when you’re successful:

“I don’t think any of us are as stuck as we think we are. We just have to ask ourselves, ‘What game are we actually playing?’ Meaning, when I say the word ‘competitor’ you’ve got to realize that it doesn’t mean we have to work any harder, it just means that we have to decide what game we’re playing.”

How to start making more money:

“When you change your relationship with money, money will treat you differently. When you start respecting your relationship with your wife or your husband, it will treat you differently. So, if I want to give you the most practical thing about making more money, go to your freaking bank account today, literally transfer five dollars a week from one account to another, and that becomes your investment account. ‘Well, Michael, what’s twenty bucks going to do?’ Absolutely nothing; but now you’re an investor!”

The common denominator of people living beyond their limiting beliefs:

“I think people living beyond their limits have a calling inside of them and they’ve actually accepted it. And they’ve realized that their challenges are their gifts. Their big common denominator is their ability to deal with adversity.”