David Ghiyam is one of the leading Kabbalah teachers in the world, and through his teaching he empowers people to realize that abundance and fulfillment begin on the inside with strong spiritual practice. Join us for this deep dive into Kabbalah, an ancient spiritual wisdom that is over 4,000 years old.

What is Kabbalah:

“So, Kabbalah is not a religion. Kabbalah is an ancient, universal spiritual wisdom that explains the DNA and blueprint of your soul; why you’re here, why you go through the challenges you go through, what are the universal, spiritual laws that we need to understand and implement in order to find our soulmate, connect with prosperity, understand human consciousness, and healing. So, in the same way that there are universal scientific laws like gravity, there are similar spiritual laws that most people aren’t aware of. … when (spirituality) becomes your Northern Star and your actual compass, then you’re tapping into mind over matter and a whole new miraculous reality.”

The origins of Kabbalah:

“This wisdom existed since the beginning of time. The first person to bring this wisdom out to the masses was Abraham. And Abraham passed it down from generation to generation. Even Moses understood this wisdom. This wisdom is locked within the Bible as well, the Old Testament. Even Jesus was a Kabbalist. … These were spiritual giants who understood how to bring the energy of the Creator down to this physical world.”


“So, Kabbalah is saying, ‘Instead of chasing the gym, and chasing this political position, and chasing this woman or this man, chase becoming like the Creator and you’ll get all of those things.  … The real way to do it is we must transform who we are. So, if we are selfish people, we have to transform that. If we are angry people, we have to look into that and transform it. And if we are controlling people, we have to look into that and transform that.”

Why we must shed our fears:

“Every time we have doubts, fears, and anxiety, we are creating space between us and our fulfillment. Because our fulfillment is the energy of the Creator, which is the energy of certainty.”

The life-changing benefits of Kabbalah:

“When you have certainty, plus spiritual work, already you’re on the path to creating the most insanely, incredible life. And stuff that might have taken 20 years to manifest in your life can take 20 days, or 20 minutes even.”

How to get spiritually prepared for marriage:

“You’re always going to marry whatever wounds you have. So, the best thing to do, if you know you want to get married in two years, is to spend those two years working on every single thing you can to transform negativity and fears. Just start with therapy. I would (also) study Kabbalah, and I would find the people you trust who know how to work on mindset. … I would do so many things to clean out as much baggage as possible because then vibrationally you’ll be at a level that the Creator will then bring you the highest soul, as opposed to the soul that matches the issues you have not worked on.” 

The common denominator of people who practice Kabbalah:

“They’re curious. They’re very open. On the one hand they know how great they are. They are very strong and very certain. They know their power. And then in one second, they can delete themselves, to learn and to receive and to think that everything they know is invalid. And they can live in those two spaces simultaneously.”