Tiffany Taylor is a Master Mindset Coach and the founder of “Elite Mind,” where she helps you declutter your mind to boost productivity, freedom, and focus. And in the process, she enables you to restore your inner confidence and joy. 

How Tiffany’s journey took her from therapy to life coaching:

“I took matters into my own hands, and I started studying the subconscious mind. I learned how patterns are formed. I learned that you can actually rewire and reprogram your mind, and I was fascinated by this. Through hiring my own coaches, I learned that a coach’s techniques can do in an hour what a therapist couldn’t do in a decade. And I knew that I wanted my life to be aligned with that.”

Why decluttering your mind is so important:

“What I find in really driven, motivated people, especially entrepreneurs, is that they’re always after the next thing. What is the new knowledge they have to get, or the new lesson, and it’s always acquiring new things. … And what I found is, that joy that you want, that peace that you want, that focus and concentration that you’re really seeking, that’s your natural state. And anything else in your life is only going to detract from that.”

The process of decluttering and living freely:

“The first thing people can do, is they can decide what they want, because most people don’t know. If you want to get anywhere, you should probably draw a map. … You need to know where the gap is. You need to decide what it is you want, and who you want to be. And if you can find a personality trait you admire (in others), that means it’s accessible to you, even if you’ve never experienced it before. That is how you start to see what is possible for you.”

Carving a clear path to mindfulness:

“When you know your starting point and your result point, that’s when you can decide which route is going to be most effective for you to get there. But the challenge I see with most people is that they … bought into this lie that, ‘You are the way you are, people don’t change, you’re stuck this way,’ and that is not the truth at all.”

Be the main character of your life:

“If you’re constantly at the mercy of what other people think you are, then you’re going to show up that way. You need to be able to be the main character. And the main character is ruthless with their decisions, and they act in integrity with their character and their values. You have to know what that is first.”

Like attracts like:

“When you allow yourself to ascend and raise your vibration, you’re going to attract people who are on the same wavelength as you. This is something I love because I have seen this firsthand, especially with solo travel. You go put you rself anywhere in the world and I guarantee you are going to find people who are just like you, on the same wavelength, and you’re probably going to become instant friends with them.”

Create your “Elite Mind”:

“When you look at elite performers, there are going to be similar patterns. They’re going to have a clean and clear mind, first of all. They’re going to have a high level of confidence; not just self-confidence but earned confidence in their skill and their craft. They’re going to have clarity in who they are and what it is they want. And they’re going to be performing at a very high level. So, an elite mind is the root cause of what creating an elite life in business is going to look like.”